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The International Dyslexia Association is a global nonprofit dedicated to raising awareness, promoting quality dyslexia remediation, and informing legislation. This website is a wealth of information for both parents and professionals.


Learning Ally is one of the largest audiobook resource libraries in the world. This is commonly the source for audiobook accommodations. However, their site offers so much more than audiobook subscriptions. It is full of resources for families and teachers.

Understood is full of incredible resources to better help you, your child, and their teachers understand learning and attention issues. You can search any question you may have and find a well-founded answer. Wide-ranging topics include anything from, “How to Organize your Child’s IEP Binder” to, “Assitive Technology for Auditory Processing Disorder.” They also have customizing options, live webinars, and some in-person events in Colorado.

The Academic Language Therapy Association is a 30+ year-old national membership organization that sets the bar for standards and ethics for dyslexia professionals. They are the certifying agency that qualifies someone as a Certified Academic Language Practitioner (CALP) or a Certified Academic Language Therapist (CALT). You can trust that if someone has earned those credentials after their name, they are the highest trained professionals in the field of dyslexia, and you can trust them to remediate your child. Learn more about the organization and how to find a tutor.

Dyslexia affects up to 1 in 5 people, but the experience of dyslexia isn't always the same. This difficulty in processing language exists along a spectrum -- one that doesn't necessarily fit with labels like "normal" and "defective."

1 in 5 people struggle with poor reading skills. The integration of neuropsychology, medical research, educational methods, and an understanding of the genetics and neurobiology of poor reading skills provides a fascinating understanding of how a highly effective approach really can teach everyone to read.